This is the real life story of three farmers named Pawan Kumar Bhogata , Ruplaal Singh Bhogata and Vinod Bhogata , from Chatra, Jharkhand. Jharkhand , a state which resembles its name, i.e, it is full of greenery, and forestry. A state full of rich minerals and resources . Here, farming is the main occupation of people in the tribal areas. People from these villages are not much educated. They are dependent on the family farming business, being followed from their ancestor's time. In almost all villages people do farming for a living. This blog, is to bring it out to you people, the initiative that changes the life . It is about the movement of people from farming of Opium (Afeem) to Saffron (Kesar). Some Backgrounds Since many years, people in the villages of Chatra District were in trap of the farming followed from the British rule. From that time, farmers here c...