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How to start a mini agriculture farm?

Farming is heart of living . Many people choose farming as a profession, and many does it for their passion. And some choose their passion for farming as profession.  People think that farming is possible only if someone has large  acres of land. This is so true with the large commercial farming, where farmers does farming as business on large scale with employers or labours.  But, agriculture can be started with a piece of land, which is sufficient to grow a crop or plant. Anyone can start farming with just simple initiative steps. Let's have a look at the general requirements, and the answer to the basic questions, that comes in mind of people when they want to enter in the field of agriculture, and start a farm of their own. We will also see the steps, that you can implement on your plot as a beginner in agriculture. What is mini agriculture farm? Mini agriculture farm is one of the farming type, where an individual or group of people select a particular land for starting a sma

Water: The lifeline of farming

Water, this five-letter word is such a significant thing without which no one can imagine their life. This is not only a matter but the source of life. It gives life to soil, life to the billions of creatures in the world, and outside too which we are unaware of. This is above the curiosity.  As curiosity is the base for any innovation, so is  water-"The Innovation of life."  What is water   ? For a  normal human being  it is a plain, colorless, odorless, and tasteless substance which is used for drinking purpose and other household chores. When we talk about  farmers , the same water having the same properties has so much importance for it. Water is not just water but  the lifeline for farmers.  This is  what you can say...  i s the input for farmers in the process of getting a good production. In agriculture Water is used to grow crops and plants. These are also helpful in raising and sustaining livestock farming. Not only this, water is used for irrigation, pesticides prep

SOIL : The base of farming

When farming or agriculture comes to mind it directly means    soil . As we all know that  soil  is a base element of agriculture without which farmers would not be able to grow plants. Soil is used to grow food for both humans and animals.  Farmers can't imagine it's life without soil except in advance technologies where soilless farming such as hydroponics is being practiced, but eventually soil sets the base to agriculture industry. Besides serving for agriculture ,forestry and biodiversity , soil also act as a filtering, buffering and transformation layer for the activities between atmosphere and groundwater. It also protects the food chain cycle and prevents water against pollution. History : The term soil   was basically derived from the word " SOLUM" , which means FLOOR. Generally soil reffers to the loose surface of earth as identified from tha original rock and minerals from which it is derived through weathering process.  As soil provides nutrients, water,

Farmer story: Kisan Chachi

When you all hear the word farmer, an image comes to your mind of a man working in the fields. But to your surprise, today I am going to tell you all the story of a lady farmer. A farmer from Bihar and this lady is well known as Kisan Chachi. Her name is Rajkumari Devi. Rajkumari Devi is an Indian farmer, from Anandpur village located in Saraiya block of Muzaffarpur district, Bihar. She was born in a poor family. Due to poverty, she could not complete her  matriculate . She got married at an early age (at the age of 15). In 1974, she was married to Awadhesh Kumar Choudhary in a family of farmers. After her marriage she completed her matriculate. But because of financial problem , Rajkumari Devi did not pursue her higher studies. Kisan Chachi (Rajkumari Devi) As a women, her life was becoming hell due to taunts from her in-laws , as even after many years of her marriage, she did not bear a child. They got separated from the family with 2.5 acres of land. Running her house became difficu

Farmer story :The Mango Man

When it is summer season and we don't talk about mango, it would be unfair. Summer is incomplete without   the sweet delicious fruit which is  mango , "the king of fruits". So today in this farmer story, i'll be telling you all about the mango man  of our country, Haji Kalimullah Khan, who made our mangoes famous worldwide. This is picture of the mango man smiling with his mangoes   Technique used :- He is an Indian Horticulturist . With his knowledge and experiments, he has grown a variety of mangoes. Among these, one of his most popular experiments is of growing 300 varieties of mangoes on a single tree. Yes, I know ,you all must be surprised that how's that possible. But it is true, and this is possible with a technique known as grafting. With the use of this technique he developed variety of mangoes. Grafting is a horticulture technique in which tissues of plants are joined to grow together. The upper part of combined plant is called the scion and the

Farmer story: The locust

India is fighting battle with Corona ,terrorist, and from disputes with its neighboring countries like China and Nepal. And in this period of corona pandemic, a new enemy has arrived named Locust, which is a matter of concern among farmers of different states of our country. These locusts live and breed in semi arid or desert areas. They belong to the family of grasshoppers . They are called desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria). Their main breeding areas are the Horn of Africa ,Yemen, Oman, Iran and Pakistan. Locusts till now have damaged crops and trees in five states, namely-Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra.The centre has issued warning to 12 states including Bihar, Chattisgarh and Jharkhand , which are on high alert . Locusts are now  moving in other states in search for food . These are now in immature states and need food for their development . For them green vegetation is most favourable for their growth in the stages between nymph t

Pandemic and the farmers

Twenty-twenty(2020) ,the dream vision of children who have grown up writing essay on ' India in 2020 '. The year which was a hope for farmers for higher production. The year containing millions of dreams was about to come.  It was the month of  December,2019. Farmers have sown their seeds of cereals,pulses,fruits and vegetables, flowers, etc. Livestock farmers have also planned for higher production and stock in markets. The year for which all were waiting has come.Everyone celebrated ,but after a week or two, we heard the arrival of new virus named  novel corona . As the time passed it started spreading all over the world . In the month of March ,it was declared as  Pandemic . Due to which  Lockdown   was imposed in our country. Everything got closed. Such an awkward situation was never seen before in so many years.  The month of April is the 'month of Harvesting', also considered as labor-intensive month. Due to lockdown which was imposed to protect us from